
the forgotten carols

This has been an odd Christmas season for me as I feel like I'm just kinda sorta waiting for Christmas to actually get here. Of course, this may be due in part to work being sporadic to nonexistent this month, giving me plenty of time to scan in old pictures. Well, except for the Pilates and fitness teaching; I've taught quite a bit extra there this month. It's likely also due to the fact that we finished Christmas shopping weeks ago. Seriously. Everything was wrapped and under the tree within a week of putting up the tree Thanksgiving Friday. Which has led to a lot of waiting.

But now we have less than a week to go. Woo hoo! And it's holiday party weekend for me. Woo hoo! Speaking of . . . Our End of Holiday Season Twelfth Night Party is coming up on Monday, January 5. Make plans, as our trees need wassailing. Especially the oak—or is it a maple?—that refuses to grow more than thirteen leaves each year.

Anyway, since there's less than a week, I worry that you may need some holiday joy. I swiped the following from my friend Megan.

And lest we forget the joys of years past . . .

1 comment:

chosha said...

That second video is the coolest Christmas thing I've seen this year - I LOVE IT!!! It's funny, but they're also just so freaking good as well!