
no more excuses

Now that the laundry room's painted, I have, unfortunately, come to the point where I can no longer procrastinate on mopping the floor.

I've never liked mopping the floor. Ever. That's why it was one of the many tasks I left to Dec to do. But six weeks is a bit long to let it go and accumluate dog hair.

Granted, it wasn't as vile a task as I was expecting. Nonetheless, I can't help but think that I need a new buddy.

Isn't he cute? I think he may be worth it.


Th. said...


I know about these things. It's creepy how much people come to love them.

Katria said...

I think I would love one of those, too. Except I would probably break it. I shed worse than any dog.

Erin aka- absent-minded secretary said...

I think that would be fun, and especially fun to see Puppy's reaction to it.

Cricket said...

Absent has a good point, the entertainment value alone could be worth it...

Unknown said...

Dec: I'm way cuter and a hell of a lot more thorough. I may have cost more, but I could do more than clean floors.