
what to expect when you're expecting

Coach likes to refer to what I'm currently going through as the Divorce Diet. You know, it's the one where you don't eat anything. At all. Like when I ate dinner on Saturday night (but not all that much because the Momma made tuna casserole because that's what my brother likes and I really don't like it) and forgot to eat again until Monday morning on the way to work.* I realize that's not necessarily unusual for me, what with my anorexic tendencies and all, but still . . .

I think I went through this when Dec and I broke up. But I don't remember the nausea, the constant desire to throw up, even without having eaten anything. It made my pilates and weight training workouts today rather difficult, especially with all the engaging of the core and what not.


I went to yoga tonight. I'm not feeling the need to spew my guts right now. This is a pleasant thing. And I might actually like this yoga class. Maybe I'll go again next week.

*Thanks, Absent, for the smoked salmon; it was quite tasty on crackers.


Cricket said...

Ah yes, the Divorce Diet. I had that whole no-desire-for-food-in-fact-forgot-that-food-even-existed for about 3 days. The nausea lives here but I still desire to eat, and even though I can't eat much and I have been working really hard at the gym- I have gained four pounds.

I need a new diet.

Cricket said...

PS: the mention of the smoked salmon did not help my mid-night nausea one bit...

Erin aka- absent-minded secretary said...

I'm with Mandi on this one... salmon for breakfast?

I mean, I'm glad that you liked it, but for breakfast?

Well, I guess the English eat kippers for breakfast.

Samantha said...

I hope you're feeling better. If you are, and you want to think about food again, I think we should have lunch together--how does Thursday, Sep. 20th sound? Do you eat lunch on Thursdays?

Craig said...

Hey, smoked salmon is good any time of the day!

Craig said...

Oh, and it was great to meet you back a few weeks ago.

Anyway, I'd love to get to know you better, hang out or go to lunch/supper sometime. Let me know if you're up for it.


Sir Robert Chiltern said...

I frequently forget to eat when I'm working. Something about my profession lends itself to such. I just get so absorbed.

Although, when I'm stressed about something, I tend to either binge or starve, depending on how my mood tips. Tonight I ordered Papa John's, so I think I'm leaning towards binging on junk food.